Reduce rainwater discharge locally (Water Sensitive Urban Design, WSUD)

Reduce rainwater discharge locally (Water Sensitive Urban Design, WSUD)

Heavy or interconnected downpour incidents can cause the flooding of houses, streets and coastal areas with dirty water. This also strains waste water treatment plants due to excess volumes of rainwater in the sewer system, which reduces the concentration of waste water and starves microorganisms.

These situations are caused by changed, higher-frequency patterns of precipitation and by reduced natural infiltration areas arising from the spread of impermeable surfaces (e.g. pavements, driveways and patios).

Mosbaek A/S has the solution which ensures local infiltration, retention and attenuation of stormwater. The sewer system receives only the volume of stormwater it can handle, protecting it against overloading. At the same time, this stabilises the concentration of waste water in the system. In the event of extremely heavy downpour, the flooding will be controlled, delimited and not mixed with waste water, as it will solely comprise run-off water.


The key component is the flow regulator, which is installed in an inspection chamber and connected to the sewer system. It makes sure that only the permissible volume of water is released into the public sewer system. Excess water is retained in a local reservoir designed to promote infiltration and positioned so that, in the event of flooding, the excess water flows into an area which minimises the consequences, such as lawns, beds and parking areas.


The Statement from Ishøj Forsyning (public utility) is concerning a project using this solution.

The company uses a patented, specially designed flow regulator. The flow regulator itself is type CEV , but due to a concern that some property owners would remove the flow regulator if it was removable, like the type CEV with wedge coupling, the flow regulators for this specific purpose are permanently installed and equipped with a flushing hose which can be connected to a garden hose and flush away any clogged material.