

Our selection of flow regulators covers a wide field, and in most instances it is possible to find an ideal hydraulic solution for your project.

Sometimes, however, the situation may require having to compromise on some of one's preferences. Please contact us if you need advice concerning the best type for you.

Centrifugal flow regulator, CEV

Centrifugal flow regulator, CEV

Flow regulator with submerged inlet for storm water control between 0.2-80 l/s.
Centrifugal flow regulator with integrated non-return valve

Centrifugal flow regulator with integrated non-return valve

Flow regulator with submerged inlet and integrated non-return valve for storm water control between 0.2-80 l/s.
Cyclone flow regulator, CYE

Cyclone flow regulator, CYE

Mounted submerged flow regulator for controlling water volumes of 8-600 l/s.
Double Baffle, DB

Double Baffle, DB

Mounted submerged flow regulator for controlling water volumes of 30-10,000 l/s.
Single Baffle, EB

Single Baffle, EB

Cyclone Flow Regulator, CYD

Cyclone Flow Regulator, CYD

Dry or semi-dry-installed flow regulator for controlling water flows of 20-600 l/s.
Centrifugal Flow Regulator, CEH

Centrifugal Flow Regulator, CEH

Semi-dry-installed flow regulator for controlling water volumes of 4-30 l/s.
Reduce rainwater discharge locally (Water Sensitive Urban Design, WSUD)

Reduce rainwater discharge locally (Water Sensitive Urban Design, WSUD)

Roof Drains with flow control

Mounted submerged flow regulator for controlling water volumes of 0.1-3.0 l/s.